What came first-The chicken or the egg? Hamlet or The Lion king?
As soon as I began reading this play, my immediate thoughts were how strikingly similar Claudius is to 'Scar', (an evil character in The Lion King for those of you who are unaware of their DISNEY CLASSICS!). Let me divulge into the similarities that make me question if Walt Disney was basing a childrens favorite on the works of an English playright. It may be a farfetched theory, but their is undoubtetdly proof to support such a claim.
Scar is the brother of Mufasa, a kindhearted, generous and majestic king who is stern on his son, Simba, but only to teach him to become a responsible adult and future king. As Mufasas brother, Scar was next in line for the throne until Simba was born. Throuhgout the movie, he is obsessed with the need to possess the kingdom in anyway he can. He is evil and cunning and while masquerading as a good man to his nephew, he plots to kill Mufasa and successfully does so.
Claudius is the brother of Hamlet's recently deceased father, and thus the uncle of Hamlet. He is the antagonist of the play, just as Scar is of the movie. He has a unwavering lust for power, and is ambitious, manipulating and villainous.
Check out the two photos posted...Two Conniving Look-A-Likes.
Hamlet's first soliloquy in act 1 scene 11, expresses Hamlets disraughtness from the death of his father so much that he consideres suicide as he wishes god hadn't made it sinful as he says, " Or that the Everlasting had not fix’dHis canon ’gainst self-slaughter!" He is also even more so distresssed and disgusted by his Mothers marriage to Claudius. The idea lies behind a sort of incest as he says, "with such dexterity to incestuous sheets. ”He harps on the marriage being bad for Denmark as it " is not nor it cannot come to good.”
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